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Food, Glorious food!

It has to be said that for staff and children the meal times are very important at the centre! I was lucky enough to enjoy lunch today with all these lovely people.

On the menu was spaghetti bolognaise  or vegetable ratatouille with pasta both served with cheese. This was enjoyed with great enthusiasm after a busy day out and about. The dessert option was chocolate rice krispie cakes.

Over the meal times children enjoy chatting about their day. Conversations enjoyed ranged from newt collection comparisons (Year 3 pond dipping), how wet my wellies got (Year 4 River studies!) and who is having the best adventure ever (everyone).


The teachers were all in good form and holding up well! I did remind everyone that we are all alive and well back here at home and one child commented "Oh yes - is everyone else still in school? I had forgotten that". Another said "I'm missing home 1%". I think that is good news for us at home as all that great parenting is paying off! Resilience skills, getting on with other people and enjoying new experiences are all being shown by our plucky Lower Juniors. Hooray!  

Mrs Pinchess