Help your child with maths
We know maths is an area where parents really want to support their children at home, but often worry about new methods and vocabulary. We want to make maths easier and more accessible for everyone and we know that you are key educators in supporting your child’s learning.
Mrs Rushin, our super Maths Leader, will be running four information sessions for parents called ‘Help your child with maths’, two sessions focussed on the Infants’ maths curriculum (Years R – Year 2) and two for the Juniors’ curriculum (Years 3-6).
We hope each family will be able to send an adult to one of the sessions; mum, dad, grandparent, carer, nanny, childminder etc, all welcome! Please let the school office know if you are able to attend any of these sessions:
Infant sessions: Thursday 19th September 2pm - 3pm or 5pm - 6pm click here to book
Junior sessions: Thursday 26th September 2pm - 3pm or 5pm - 6pm click here to book
Please note these sessions are not suitable for children.