This week at Bentley...
What a super evening we all had at the Bentley Bonfire last Friday! Thank you very much from the Parish Council for your donations for entrance will support community projects. Please see the PTFA section for special thank yous.
Yesterday our pupils joined the Remembrance Day silence either at Binsted Church, at the swimming pool before their lesson or here at school. Staff commented how proud they felt of our children who demonstrated thoughtful respect and a mature understanding about why we remember collectively.
Next week we will take part in national anti-Bullying work in our RSHE lessons within our Bentley ‘Kindness Week’. As part of this work, children are welcome to make a change on Monday by leaving the grey/white/green socks and tights at home and come into school in funky tights or odd socks. This is a marker to highlight and celebrate our differences.
On Friday next week we will be having a House Day and would ask all children to wear their House colour t-shirts with school skirts or trousers. I know some hardy shorts wearers continue all year, which is absolutely fine, but would request that summer dresses are now put aside until after the Easter holidays.
Mrs Katy Pinchess, Headteacher
Ofsted – we’re a great school and it’s official!
Our Ofsted report has now been published online and can be shared within the wider community.
I am sure you will join us all in being very pleased to have achieved a positive and affirming judgment across all categories in this, the latest Inspection Framework. We all think very highly of Bentley Primary School and I think this report is a huge reflection on the hard work that everyone, staff, community and of course pupils, all put in to make Bentley such a lovely school. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff, pupils, governors and families who work tirelessly to keep what is great about Bentley over the many years since the last inspection. A particular thank you should go to our headteacher, Katy Pinchess, who has guided the school over the last eight years with passion, commitment and expertise, and her leadership team, which has of course changed over the last few years.
The report confirms that Bentley is indeed a really good school and I feel that we have always striven to provide the very best quality of education and we will continue to do so. Do read the report, which is not as long or as jargon filled as previous frameworks, and recognise the very many positive statements that are contained in it. We have a lot to be proud of, and we look forward to continuing to support your children in developing their talents and building on their strengths, day by day.
Nick Austin, Chair of Governors
Maths with Mrs Rushin - an event for parents and carers
Mrs Rushin will be hosting this event on Tuesday 16th November, from 10am - 10.30am on Zoom, to discuss maths anxiety, times tables and mental maths.
She will be sharing some strategies and top tips for help your child at home with maths.
IT equipment for home use
In the height of the pandemic it became very clear about the need for a computer and internet access at home. The Department for Education are still very keen for all children to have access to a computer and we have been fortunate to receive some good condition laptops and PCs, which we would like to pass to families who do not have one. If you are interested, please email the office so I can get in touch.
Mr Goddard, Computing Lead
Thank you to…
…the Turk family for donations of toys and a recorder
…to everyone who continues to use easyfundraising as we raised £29.59 since September! You can sign up here if you have not already done so and all your online Christmas shopping will support school fundraising
…to everyone who has kindly donated via Scopay. This money is making a huge difference to support our work.
Autumn Term Eco-Lesson: COP26
Last week all the children learnt about COP26 in their termly Eco-lesson. We discussed why the conference is so important, looking at themes such as global warming, pollution and deforestation. Each time that I talk to the children about the environment, I am always so impressed by their knowledge and understanding of the facts. Many of the children were also aware of COP26 and were able to explain it to their class. Click here to find out about the activities the children have taken part in.
Madam Jones
The Big Ho! Ho! Ho! is coming!
With only two weeks to go until the Christmas Fair, we wanted to let you know the rest of the festive plans for this year…
Friday 19th November at 3pm - PTFA pop up shop for good condition Nativity outfits and Christmas dresses/jumpers (please leave your donations at school in the box by the entrance any time next week)
Thursday 25th November - PTFA home clothes day in exchange for bringing in a raffle prize (e.g. wine, chocolates, festive goodies or pamper items)
Friday 26th November 2pm -3.30pm - PTFA Christmas Fair (click here for more details)
2pm on 7th Tuesday December and 6.00pm on Wednesday 8th December - Year 1 and 2 Nativity play performances. No under 12s at either of these performances. Younger siblings may come to watch the dress rehearsal - please contact the office if you would like to request this. Tickets will go on sale on Monday 22nd November at 8pm.
Tuesday 14th December at 3.15pm - Years 3 and 4 - Mince pies and Carols around the Christmas Tree – all year 3 and 4 parents and other family members are invited to this outdoor event.
Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th December at 6.30pm on both nights - Years 5 and 6 performance of Cinderella/Rockerfella. No under 12s at either of these performances. Tickets will go on sale on Monday 29th November at 8pm.
Thursday 16th December at 2pm - Year R and the school choir will be performing to all of the children at St Mary’s Church. Our current plan is that all Year R and choir parents will be able to attend in person, and staff will walk all other children back to school for collection at 3.15pm. Should the Covid situation change we will review this in line with the Church guidelines.
Friday 17th December - Christmas jumpers, classroom fun and Christmas lunch. Pick up from school at 3.15pm.
A HUGE Bentley thank you to everyone who volunteered at the bonfire night to makes this event such as success…
For masterminding the whole event, risk assessing, toffee apple manufacture, shopping (& bartering for Britain!) and for being the brains and energy behind the whole event…our fantastic PTFA Chair Kathleen Proud. A huge thank you to Kathleen and her whole family who all supported the event.
To Mrs Miffling for a warm welcome to everyone at the gate and for looking after the Lost children!
To the super Bentley children who became Egyptian demonstrators and clever Covid research scientists as ‘cast’ members; George, Matt, Sophie, Eryka, Emilia, Sophia, Arianna, Max, Harriet, Henry, Chase and Lexi. You looked amazing and did a great job to help set the pyramid bonfire alight with the giant Covid virus orb! Your slogans were spot on; ‘Bring back hugs’, ‘Lateral flow away’ and ‘Burn the virus with papyrus’.
Setting up team; Molly, Tegan, Georgia, Barbs, Andy, Miss Farrant, Sarah C, Kathy, Laura, Elise, Amy B and Cress
For onion cooking thanks to Amy W and Gill B
For BBQ duties; Jonny, Andy, Mr Goddard, Mr Lucas, Terry, Steve, Ed, Andre, Dave and Shaun
For BBQ serving; Ruth, Sophie, Miss Farrant, Cress, Millie, Alex and Guy
For bar duties; Mrs Drew, Laura, Chaz, Cat, Mrs Morris, Mrs Siers, Eliza and James
For children’s refreshments & treats; Vicky, Maddie and Isabel, Kimberly, Mike, Debbie and Richard plus Sue, Sam, Alex, Vicki and the Charlottes
Tidy up crew; Mr Lucas, Luke, James, Adam, Sue and Shaun
Money counters and Banker; Elise, Pauline & Mrs Tewkesbury
You are all complete superstars!
This event has yet again proved to be one of the biggest of the year and a key part of our fundraising for school to pay for upkeep of the PTFA purchased minibus. We are still to tally the final profit, but will let you know more soon.
Click here to find out what’s happening next week and
here to get more information about what’s going on in the local area