This week at Bentley...
We may have had one day out of school for the INSET, but we still seem to have squeezed in a full five days of activities!
As I write, the sun has come out, I can hear Year 6 elves getting changed and there has been a huge amount of activity with the PTFA getting everything ready! We are officially excited for Christmas and the children are looking forward to enjoying all the special treats and stalls. Thank you to everyone involved in setting this up and to everyone for coming along and getting involved and enjoying all the fun.
Next week many rehearsals are planned and hope to have all children back in school on Monday who have been recovering with some nasty colds this week. Please check costume lists and send in outfits promptly, as we plan to hold a photo shoot on Monday 6th and want to showcase all our actors. We are keeping all fingers crossed, hands washed regularly and following all Covid expectations in school to try to ensure all our Christmas 2021 plans can go ahead.
Please help us at home by following the expectations and continue to keep children at home and ensure they get a PCR test if they have symptoms of;
- a high temperature
- a new, continuous cough
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
or if your child has had close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid.
The weather has certainly turned colder and in school, we have found a range of unnamed gloves, scarves and hats. Please ensure all items coming into school are clearly named so we can return them to their owners. Whilst we are not anticipating any school closures due to the weather, please take extra care and leave time before setting off to school. Check for school closures here
In the classrooms this week…
Year R enjoyed their super Forest Schools work recognising signs of the changing seasons
Year 1 really impressed Mrs Scott-Bromley with their super subtraction skills and confidently wrote number sentences
Year 2 have demonstrated their secure number knowledge in completing 40 arithmetic questions in 1 minute! Great work.
Year 3 have shown amazing knowledge with patterns in the times tables this week. Well done.
Year 4 have made wonderful progress in swimming for each and every child. We are so proud of you all!
Year 5 had a fantastic day at the Winchester Science Centre where they learnt all about the planets of the Solar System.
Year 6 wowed Mrs Miffling with their super knowledge about human and physical geography.
Wrap up, stay warm and have a great weekend!
Mrs Katy Pinchess, Headteacher
Thank you to…
…everyone who gave such generous donations, both for the forthcoming raffle prizes and to make our Christmas fair so brilliant!
…all the PTFA for their creativity, weeks of planning & meetings, organisation and kindness in making such wonderful memories for all of our children at the Christmas Fair today!
…the Proud family for the donation of reading books
Charity news
We are delighted to say our school community raised a terrific £297.84 this year for the Royal British Legion. Altogether, the village raised a phenomenal £891.84! Well done everyone for supporting vital welfare and benevolent work for the armed forces.
Head bumps
The previous INSET was for our three-year training of staff for First Aid. Since then we have reviewed practice and the office have brought in daily texts to alert parents about minor head bumps. We will continue to contact you directly if we feel there is an urgent need for medical assistance, but we were concerned about the symptoms of a head injury being missed at home if letters are not read on the day.
You can find more information about what to do if you suspect your child may have concussion by clicking this link.
Be Bright, Be seen
The children certainly got the message about the importance of road safety and staying bright on the dark mornings and nights. Everyone looked terrific in their neons, fluorescents and zinging colours. It certainly brightened up Tuesday!
Damian Hinds Visit
As part of the Plastic Free Schools Award, the Eco-Council wrote to Damian Hinds last term and invited him into school to talk to him about the issues surrounding plastic. Today’s visit from Mr Hinds enabled the Eco-Council to voice their concerns for the plastic problem through a range of questions about plastic bags, the proposed Deposit Return Scheme as well as ocean plastic. Ivy in Year 3 was also keen to learn whether the government is really listening to young people’s worries about the climate to which Damian Hinds responded yes because children are going to feel the greatest impact of the crisis.
The Eco-Council has nearly completed the Plastic Free Schools Award and will be meeting again in the next few weeks to finish the last two objectives. We will be writing to Cadburys, McDonalds and Haribo about their single-use plastic wrappers and finally agreeing on three single-use plastic items we would like to eventually remove from our school.
Reminder for parents claiming ‘30 hours childcare’ in the spring term 2022
All parents who are working, have a 3 or 4 year old and want to claim funded extended hours (30 hours childcare), must make sure they have applied to HMRC no later than 31 December 2021. All parents with a 30 hours code need to make sure their details are up to date. They must do this every three months:
Christmas Trees
It’s only 29 sleeps until Christmas so it’s almost time to start thinking about getting the decorations out and making our homes look festive for the holidays. We are delighted to be able to offer fantastic deals on super Christmas Trees again this year. Order via the PTFA website – - by 12pm on Friday 3rd December and collect your tree from the staff car park at school between 2pm and 4pm on Saturday 11th December.
The trees are amazing value priced at 4-5ft for £30, 5-6ft for £35, or 6-7ft for £45
Need a fabulous Christmas Gift?
The super Mrs Nonhebel has collected tiny self-portraits from all the children and created a fabulous tea-towel which is now available to buy on the PTFA website. They cost £5 each and would make the perfect Christmas gift for grandparents, aunts and uncles and all the profits go the PTFA.
Are you joining the Elf Run?
There is still time to register for the Elf Run next Friday from 2-3pm. Simply head over to PTFA website, click on the link and register today – everyone who registers will get a free hat and a yummy homemade cookie as a treat once they have finished their run. All of the children will take part in the run, but we would really love it if every child was registered and they were able to get some sponsorship to raise money to replace one set of class laptops – these are now very old and slow and all our children will benefit from them being replaced! Please pass on our gofundme page to friends and family - - every amount however small will help!
This is a super opportunity for us to raise some money for the school whilst getting the children active outside. Children are encouraged to dress up as elves or in a Christmassy outfit. Do come and watch - the more the merrier to enjoy some Christmas fun!
Click here to find out what’s happening next week and
here to get more information about what’s going on in the local area