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this week at bentley....

What a chilly January week it has been and I have not been alone in wearing many layers and my big winter coat! Thank you for ensuring your child is well wrapped up. Please make sure that all gloves, scarves. etc. are NAMED so that we can return them when they are mislaid. The Lost Property is all on the table by the gate, for grown-ups to check and collect at home time. Please look to see if anything belongs to your family and relabel it before it comes back into school again.

Everyone will be aware of the current strikes by many different workers and the reasons for striking, linked to pay and conditions. At this present time, the information I hold very much suggests that we will remain open for school on Wednesday 1st February. This possibly could change and I will contact you  immediately if it does. It has always been our school’s position that wherever possible we keep school open, even if reduced staff numbers means we only open for certain pupils, or have to make amendments to how and what we teach.

In the classrooms this week;

Year R thoroughly enjoyed learning about the world around us, as they started to think about the celebrations and traditions of Chinese New Year.

Year 1 are very excited about their place value learning, digging deep into numbers 11-20.

Year 2 have been learning the running stitch in DT (Design Technology). Great sewing Year 2!

Year 3 are going to tell you about their persuasive writing work in English, which they are very enthusiastic about.

Year 4 have enjoyed conducting interviews to write fact filled newspaper reports.

Year 5 are focussing on landscapes in their Art lessons this term. This week they enjoyed inspiration from the Impressionists. Perhaps try some (quick!) outdoor sketching this weekend to extend skills.

Year 6 are also loving their Art lessons this term and this week turned off the lights to learn more about the drama of ‘chiaroscuro’!

Mrs Pinchess


The Gambia

We have a very special school twin with Sitahuma School in The Gambia. Like us, they are a village school but in very different circumstances, both geographically and financially. Over the last five years we have linked in learning and our pupils have benefitted hugely from this partnership work.  We are very excited to announce that Mrs Pinchess is fitting in a final Bentley partnership visit to The Gambia at February half-term before she heads off to her new job in Vietnam!

This year the pupils voted for three charities to support and Kaira Konko was one of those. Our children were shocked to hear that many children in the village schools like Sitahuma School may only have one meal a day and that is their school lunch. We found out that one school lunch in Bentley costs £2.80 but this amount will feed a child in The Gambia for 30 meals (a whole half-term of 6 weeks)! Our pupils really want to help their friends in The Gambia and we have some exciting plans this term to raise funds and to deepen our connection with Sitahuma School. Everything is optional, but we hope that lots of children, families and friends will get involved to support this excellent charity.





Donate a writing pencil from home to donate to a child in The Gambia.

Any day before Wednesday 9th February

Children are very welcome to bring in a pencil you do not need, rather than buying new ones.

We have some special greeting cards you may purchase to make a donation.

See the letter with order form coming home tonight. Purchase before 6th February so that funds can be transferred to the Kaira Konko charity.

£3 Sponsor a community project; sports, soap making, garden.

£5 Sponsor a child to go to school.

Hot chocolate treat!

Thursday 26th January at playtime.

£1 for a hot chocolate.

50p extra for marshmallows.

50p extra for squirty cream.

Pop-up toys and books sale.

Friday 3rd February at playtime.

Items for sale 10p-£1

Children may bring in a maximum of £3 in a named purse/wallet at the pop-up shop.

Colourful clothes day. The whole school is welcome to come into school in their brightest, most happy clothes to celebrate our links to Africa!

Wednesday 8th February – all day at school.

Bring in a donation to support the Kaira Konko charity. All money will go towards school projects. Suggested donation of £2.80 but every penny makes a difference!

Quiz night for grown-ups. Come along for some fun on your own, with a friend or bring a team of 8. 

Friday 24th February 7-10.30pm

£12.50 per person for Fish and Chip supper. Lots of fun games. Bring some extra money for the bar, games and dessert. 

Friday social Breakfasts

Join us for our traditional spring year group Social Breakfasts! Bring the whole family or come along for a 'date' with one child or to chat to other class parents. click here to order and pay

The first breakfast event took place today and was much enjoyed by the Year 6 families who came along. Other dates are below;

27th January Year 5

3rd February Year 4

10th February Year 3

24th February Year 2

3rd March Year 1 

10th March Year R

Initially we ask that each family books to attend only one breakfast, so that everyone in the school can come along to at least one. We will let you know if places are still available in the week of the event. It will then be possible to book extra spaces.


There is a lot going on and support available to help families. Please look on our website at the Community pages to see what is new. Click here.



Cake sale - Yr 2 - Friday 27th January at pick-up. 

Pizza event! -  Friday 3rd February 

We’ve teamed up with Doughies for a fun family night in. Order your pizza and cookie kits and you’ll receive everything you need to make artisan margherita pizzas (regular or vegan) and warm gooey cookies in your home oven. The school receives £2 per pizza kit and £1 per cookie kit sold. Please visit

Orders to be placed by Saturday 28th January. 

Orders to be collected on Friday 3rd February at pick-up. 

Click here to find out what’s happening next week