this week at Bentley
I can’t believe we are already at the end of the first half of the summer term and what an incredibly busy one it’s been!! We’ve had a huge range of educational visits, two residentials, SATs tests, coronation celebrations, sporting events and prayer week, as well as all of our usual learning and activities. I have been so proud of all the children this half-term. They have worked hard in their lessons and have represented our school well when off site by upholding our rules and values at all times - well done children.
The second half of the summer term has lots more to look forward to from Sports Day to the Summer Fete and much, much more!! I wish you all a restful half-term break and look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday 5th June.
Mrs Miffling
Acting Headteacher
Class Photos
Time to spuce up! Class photos will take place after half-term on Tuesday 6th June.
Sports Day
Sports Day is on Friday 9th June and will finish at 12.30pm. We hope everyone will then stay for a family picnic, after which children will be able to go home. Children can order a school picnic lunch or are welcome to bring their own. A letter went out this week with full details. Please remember to send your child into school in full P.E kit (including house colour t-shirt) with sun cream already applied. They will also need to bring a water bottle and a sun hat.
Please click here to indicate on Scopay whether your child will be going home after the picnic or will be staying at school.
Sponsorship Money
Thank you very much to everyone who supported the children’s sponsored fitness circuits with Kylie Grimes. We’d be very grateful if you could please send your child’s sponsorship form and money raised into school on the first day back after half-term (Monday 5th June).
School meals
Unfortunately school meal prices are increasing after half-term. HC3S is committed to pricing meals solely to cover costs without making a profit, but despite efforts and negotiations with suppliers, food prices have exceeded budgeted levels. Reducing the nutritional content or portion sizes of meals is not considered an appropriate option, so consequently HC3S must increase the school meal price by 20p, from £2.80 to £3, for all meal types from 5 June 2023.
Infant children and those who qualify for free school meals will continue to receive their school lunches for free. If your circumstances have changed and you believe you may be eligible for free school meals, please click here to check or contact the school office for assistance.
Please note all meals should be paid for in advance.
Would you like to join our fantastic team here at Bentley? We are currently looking for the following roles to join us in September 2023;
- 1:1 Learning Support Assistant in an Infant Class
- 1:1 Learning Support Assistant in a Junior Class
- Learning Support Assistant in a Junior Class
- Learning Support Assistant in the Reception (EYFS) Class
Please click on the links above to read the full job description and to download the application form. Completed application forms can be emailed to
Congratulations to our year 3 and 4 athletics team who came away with 2 bronze, 3 silver and 3 gold certificates in the Quad Kids Athletics completion at Amery Hill on Friday.
Farnham Youth Choir
The award-winning Farnham Youth Choir will be holding an open rehearsal for their Training Choir (Years 2-4) and Junior Choir (Years 5-8) on Wednesday 7th June in central Farnham.
The Training Choir is open to all children in this age group and there is no audition. The choir aims to encourage musical development, with relaxed and fun rehearsals. Entry to the Junior Choir is by a short, informal audition. The choir has exciting plans over the next few years, including performing at festivals and entering competitions. There is a very social atmosphere in the choir, with games as part of the learning and every member valued within the team.
The organisers would be delighted to welcome new singers along to try out the choirs. Bursary-funded places are available. For more information, please see
For information on available clubs and to find out what is going on in the local area please Click here.
PTFA – upcoming events
⭐️Non-Uniform day - Friday 16th June
Children can wear non-school uniform this day if they’d like to, in return for a raffle prize for our summer fair! Thank you!
There is also an Ice Cream Sale this day! After school, cash or card accepted.
⭐️ Summer fair - Friday 23rd June 3:15-6pm
This event is open to everyone. Please invite extended family and friends.
We are in the search for teddies and soft toys for the teddy tombola! Time for a clear out? The yellow tub will be out after half term to put them in!
Raffle tickets will be given out in book bags soon. It’s going to be a good one!
⭐️ Ice Cream Sale - after school, Friday 30th June
⭐️ Bentley bike ride - Saturday 1st July
Do you have any keen cyclists in your family? This year it is a family friendly route of 30km, aimed at teens around 10 years old and upwards. Sponsorship is per family. We need lots of Bentley families and friends to get involved and enjoy a (hopefully sunny!) ride through the countryside. Return back to the school with a bbq and bar ready for you!
Please watch the video all about it here:
⭐️ Ice Cream Sale - after school, Friday 7th July
⭐️ Ice Cream Sale - after school, Friday 13th July
⭐️ Ice Cream Sale - after school, Friday 21st July
⭐️ Camping Night on Froyle Rec - Saturday 22nd - Sunday 23rd July.
Each pitch is £25 and includes breakfast Sunday morning.
Please book via PTFA website.
Please see the PTFA page for more information
We hope everyone has a lovely half-term!