this week at bentley......
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Thank you for your responses to the survey I sent out. You have given me a great insight into parents' views of the school. I will be sending out a separate letter to share some of the findings with you early next week.
It has been busy as usual in school and two of our classes took their learning out of the classroom on educational visits this week. On Monday, Year 2 had a wonderful school trip to the Royal Victoria Country Park. They brought their learning alive by finding out all about Florence Nightingale. Two children from the class have written a review of the day:
Eleanor wrote - I think that it was really fun. We learnt about Florence Nightingale. We also dressed up! We pretended to clean the floor. There was a song and it goes like this, ‘You’ve built it in the wrong place! It’s the wrong way round! It’s much too long! There’s not enough fresh air! It’s wrong, wrong, wrong!’ I had such a fun day at Florence Nightingale’s hospital.
Edward wrote - I think that the school trip was fun. We learnt about Florence Nightingale and we made lanterns. We dressed up as soldiers. We saw shells at the beach and we had a great day!
On Tuesday, Year 4 went to the Arundel Wetlands Centre and had a wonderful day pond dipping and discovering lots of wild life.
Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help on these visits and to those of you who drove the minibuses. At Bentley, we really enjoy taking our learning out of the classroom but can only do so if we have willing volunteers to drive the buses. If you would like to support our children by learning to drive a minibus, please let the school office know. Without your help, we may have to reduce the number of visits we can take part in.
Mrs Hallett
Thank yous![](/_site/data/files/images/auto_upload/news-story/A00EFE13D03A3422E8EC309E035CD9DB.jpg)
Thank you to the Arthur family for the kind donation of Betty's Butterfly Bistro and the Den Building Kit. The Butterfly Bistro will be perfect for the Nature Reserve and the Den Building Kit has already been used at Forest School by Year 6!
Thank you to everyone who returned their Media Consent Forms. The winning class was year 4 with a return rate of 61%!
Well Done to…
Mrs Scott-Bromley for her fantastic performance in The Brothers’ Grimm Spectacular. We especially enjoyed Mrs Scott-Bromley’s retelling of Cinderella where she played every single character from the story! The show was great fun and we are looking forward to when we can next see our very own superstar in action!
Harvest Festival
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Harvest Festival services on Thursday and to all who donated to our food collection. The Christian value we have been learning about this half-term has been generosity, so it was fantastic to see the table laden with produce which was gratefully received by the Alton Food Bank.
Breast Cancer Awareness Day ![](/_site/data/files/images/auto_upload/news-story/B864A493D473996C88A4F5C904FB6887.PNG)
Friday 20th October is Breast Cancer Awareness Day. This is a cause which is very close to the staffs’ hearts at the moment, so we will be participating by wearing something pink and holding a coffee morning during our breaktime on the INSET day. If you would also like to get involved, you can make a donation to Victoria’s Promise . This is a Hampshire based charity and has been supporting Mrs Hallett since her diagnosis. Thank you very much for your support.
Eco Update
Litter Picker Backpacks
Following last week’s newsletter, please do keep on the lookout for any unwanted backpacks at home and bring them into school. Thank you. They will then be packed up ready to go home so that families can start helping to keep their communities clean and tidy.
If your child comes home with a litter picker backpack, we ask you to be aware of safe litter picking. Please be noted that participation in a litter pick using the litter picker backpack is entirely at your own risk and that children must be supervised by an adult. The school does not provide insurance for this activity. Please click here for a Beginner’s Guide to Litter Picking produced by Keep Britain Tidy.
Zones of Regulation
On our first INSET day of the year, Mrs Rhodes trained the staff on ‘The Zones of Regulation’. This provides an easy way to think and talk about how we feel on the inside and sorts emotions into four coloured zones and provides children with an increased sense of self-awareness and social and emotional skills, alongside a common language for communication, problem-solving, and emotional understanding.
All classes have been working on this since the beginning of the year.
Below are a child’s thoughts on how the Zones of Regulation helps them:
“I really enjoy the zones of regulation because it helps you express your emotions and find a way of knowing your feelings.”
More information about Zones of Regulation will be available at Parents’ Evening next week and Mrs Rhodes will be in the Dining Hall if you have any questions.
Online Safety Session
On Monday 16th October, Year 5 and 6 will be taking part in an e-safety workshop led by Phil Bagge, Computing Inspector/Advisor from the Hampshire Inspection and Advisory Service. This will be followed by an online safety session for parents (adults only) from 7 – 8 p.m. on Google Meets. The parent session will explore the use of social media and its impact on mental health and will explain how parents can safeguard children online more effectively by suggesting simple yet effective ways parents can keep children safe, adapting rules as they become more mature.
Click here to access the session:
PTFA coming up …
Juniors Film night on Friday 17th November. Popcorn, hot dog and a sweet treat at the end are included, for £6 per child.
The next uniform sale will be on Thursday 2nd November at pick-up
Bentley Bonfire, BBQ and Fireworks on Friday 3rd November. No tickets needed, but donations gratefully received on the night.
If you can spare some time to volunteer for the Bar and Children's Refreshments, please sign up here
Bentley PTFA (Parents, Teachers & Friends association)
Visit the PTFA website by clicking here
click here to get more information about what’s going on in the local area