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this week at bentley....

As we end the penultimate full week at school, I cannot help but notice a real buzz around the school (not just about the football!) 

Sadly, I have to inform you all that at the end of this term, we will be saying goodbye to our wonderful office assistant, Mrs Perring. Jenny has been an invaluable member of our office team and her departure will be felt deeply by all of us. I'm sure you'll join me in wishing her the very best of luck in her next role.

With Mrs Perring's departure, we find ourselves with an exciting opportunity for someone new to join our Bentley family. We are currently recruiting for a part-time admin assistant, a role that promises to be incredibly rewarding. Additionally, we're looking for a breakfast club supervisor to work alongside our lovely Mrs Smith.

If you or someone you know might be interested in either of these positions, please visit our school website for more details: We are recruiting

I am delighted to share some of the wonderful events and activities that have been taking place at our school. Our Year 6 students have been working tirelessly on their leavers' production, 'Rock Bottom'. The halls are filled with the sound of their beautiful voices, and it's not uncommon to see children and staff alike carrying props as they prepare for the big performance. The whole school is eagerly anticipating the dress rehearsal this Wednesday. I'm sure we're all in for a treat!

This week, we've had the pleasure of participating in Alton Arts Week. Thanks to the incredible organisation of Sara Woods and the rest of the Committee, our children have been immersed in a variety of artistic experiences. We've welcomed local artists into our school and enjoyed African drumming workshops and Flip Theatre, amongst other activities. It's been a truly enriching week, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to all those involved in making it such a success.

We also had a special visitor to school this week! Mrs Pinchess is back in the UK for a few weeks and popped in to see all of us. She shared what life is like in Vietnam and the children had the opportunity to ask lots of questions. The children also shared all about BFEST with her, an event I am sure she is sorry to have missed.

Thank you to everyone who has signed up for the PFTA sponsored walk on Saturday. Hopefully the weather is kind to us and I look forward to welcoming you all back at the finish line!

As always, I'm immensely proud of our school community and the way we come together to create such rich, diverse experiences for our children. From the arts to our day-to-day operations, every aspect of our school life contributes to the nurturing environment we strive to maintain.

Have a wonderful weekend. Come on England!

Vicky Hallett



This week’s whole school attendance is 96.61% %

Although the government sets a target of 95% for primary schools, our governors have set a target of 98% for our school.  This is because an attendance rate of 95% still means that your child would have had approximately ten days of absence throughout the year; this is considered a significant loss to learning.

The class with the best attendance this week is year 2 with 99.67%.   Well done year 2.


Bentley Fete and Flower Show - Saturday 20 July.

There is no charge for entries, just register your entries online by 6.00pm on Friday 19 July. Then sign in and bring your exhibits to the Flower Show marquee on Saturday 20 July between 8.00-10.45am.

Many of the children are already working on their homework, which they can enter in the children's classes. Children and families can enter any classes for the flowers and produce. Good luck!













Eco Schools Award with a DISTINCTION. 

Following the success of last year’s Eco Schools Award, Eco Council were unanimous in participating again with three new projects: energy, waste and marine.  The Eco Council team has worked really hard this year with the support of the whole school community to raise awareness of food waste, reduce our use of electricity and better understand how to protect our rivers and oceans.  They have led assemblies, participated in litter picks and spoke to their classes about how to make our school greener.  So, the announcement last week that we received an Eco Schools Award with a distinction is a deserved achievement.  Thank you to our amazing Eco Council for being inspiring and dedicated eco warriors!

Eco Class of the Year 2024

As part of our Eco Schools Award, for the past few months our Eco Leaders in Year 6 have been monitoring classes for their ‘eco-friendliness’.  Each class was assessed against a range of categories linked to our Eco Schools projects: energy, water, recycling, litter picking as well as classroom tidiness.  We are delighted to announce that Year 6 are Eco Class of the Year 2024, followed by Year 3 and Year 4.  

Most energy saving class 2024

Year R followed by Year 4 and Year 6

Water Saving Class 2024

Year R followed by Year 2, Year 1 and Year 5

Best Litter Pickers 2024

Year 6 followed by Year 3 and Year 5

Congratulations to all our classes for supporting Eco Council this year with our projects – together we make a difference!

Madame Jones and Miss Durrant



Club information for the Autumn term will be released at the end of next week.



With the end of the academic year approaching, please make sure any outstanding debts you may have on ScoPay are cleared by Friday 19th July. All monies owed must be received by the end of the day please.




Good luck everyone - have fun and we hope the sun shines!



Bentley PTFA (Parents, Teachers & Friends association)

Visit the PTFA website by clicking here


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