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This week at Bentley...

Welcome back to a brand new school year! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer break. It’s been a joy to see the children return with such enthusiasm and positivity. They’ve settled back into school life beautifully, and their attitudes towards learning have been truly impressive. We are looking forward to another exciting and successful year ahead!

This week, we have taken time during worship to refocus on our Christian values of Love, Courage, and Community. These values are at the heart of everything we do at school, and it has been wonderful to reflect with the children on how we can embody these values in all areas of our lives —both inside and outside the classroom.

It’s such a shame that we had to change our plans for the welcome back BBQ today. However, it was lovely to see so many of you straight after school today and to have a chance to welcome some of our new families and reconnect as a community after the summer break.

On a personal note, I’m excited to share some big news with you! This weekend, weather permitting, I’ll be taking part in a skydive — something I’ve always dreamed of doing. I’m fortunate enough to have been given a charity place by The Pink Place, a wonderful organisation in Basingstoke that provided me with incredible support during my cancer journey last year. I’m thrilled to be able to give back to a cause that means so much to me and I have managed to raise over £2,000! I’ll certainly be drawing on our school value of courage as I take the leap, and I look forward to sharing photos with you all next week!

Thank you all for your ongoing support, and I wish you and your children a fantastic start to the school year.

Vicky Hallett


A few reminders as we start the year…

Meet the teacher Dates

This is a great opportunity to chat to your child’s new teacher, learn about what the school day will look like in their new class and get information about the curriculum, homework and reading expectations. You will also be able to ask any questions you might have about the year ahead.

Please come along on the following dates:-

Yr 1 – Monday 9th September at 2.45pm

Yr 2 – Tuesday 10th September 2.45pm

Yr 6 – Wednesday 11th September 2.45pm

Yr 4 – Thursday 12th September 2.45pm

Yr 5 – Monday 16th September 2.45pm

Yr 3 – Tuesday 17th September 2.45pm


It’s that time of year again, and the PTFA would be very grateful for any help from parents with the annual apple picking. The apples picked are made into delicious apple juice and sold later in the year to raise valuable funds for the school.

Class dates are as follows:-

Yr 3 – Monday 9th September at 9am.

Yrs 1 & 2 – Thursday 12th September at 9am.

Yr 5 – Tuesday 17th September at 9am.

Yrs R & Y6 – Friday 20th September at 9am.

Yr 4 – Wednesday 25th September at 9am.



Each Friday afternoon, the Gardening Team help the Year 1s look after the Courtyard Garden. They learn how to plant bulbs and grow seeds along with activities inspired by nature and the seasons. The children love the opportunity to learn outside the classroom in a very hands-on way. 

We would love some more volunteers to join our small team so this important experience can continue. You don't have to commit to every week and no gardening experience is needed, just enthusiasm. If you would like to know more, contact the Office who will put you in touch with the Gardening Team

Summer reading challenge

The summer reading challenge, Marvellous Makers, comes to an end tomorrow, Saturday 7th September and Alton Library have been in touch to say that lots of children from Bentley have taken part this year.  If your child has taken part, make sure you head to the library as soon as possible so your child can collect their medal and certificate, as we will be celebrating the reading challenge in Collective Worship on Friday 13th September.


Children are not permitted to wear jewellery to school unless for religious or medical reasons.

Children are allowed to wear a small pair of stud earrings if they have their ears pierced.  No hoops or large earrings please.  Children must remove their earrings or cover them with tape when they have PE.  This is for health and safety reasons.

Children are allowed to wear a watch but this must not be internet enabled or have the ability to take photographs.

Children are not allowed to wear nail varnish to school.

Black school shoes only (no sandals with open toes, as this is not safe for playing in the woods).

All children should have a green school book-bag.  Rucksacks/backpacks are not allowed.

A link to our uniform policy can be found here:


Please also remember to ensure your children’s clothing and possessions are named.  This will help us keep lost property to a minimum.  If you are ordering labels from Stikins please quote the school number 1777 as they donate a percentage to the school.



Years R-2 Infant children are given a fruit or vegetable snack at morning break.

Years 3 – 6 Junior children are welcome to bring in a healthy snack for break time.

If you are providing your child with a snack this must only be fruit or vegetables.  Plain, dried fruit such as raisins is fine.  Children are not allowed to have biscuits, cakes, cereal bars, fruit winders, crisps etc. at break time.  They are allowed to have these in their lunch box for lunchtime.

Please send your child with plain water only in water bottles to keep them hydrated throughout the day.

No nut products please.


Please do not park, or stop your car to drop off or pick children up, on the yellow zigzag lines or the double yellow lines surrounding the school.  These lines are in place to keep our children and families safe as they start and finish school, and road visibility is significantly reduced if cars are parked there.

Head Lice 

Head lice are a pest all year round and, as we return to school, life will become much easier for them to find a head to take up residence in, so please make sure you regularly check your child’s hair for these pesky pests!  Although lice can be seen in dry hair, the best way to check is by combing wet hair with a fine toothed ‘detector’ comb. Treatment, if necessary, can then be done by using either the wet-combing method or a special lotion available from chemists over the counter or on prescription for children.  If lice are found, it is important to check the head of everyone in the household and treat them too if they are also found hiding there.  Regular wet-combing with a fine toothed comb as part of routine hair washing is the best way to prevent the problem recurring. If you would like further information, the school nurse is available for advice.  Let’s stop making life too easy for the louse!