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This week at Bentley...

It has been a fantastic week at school, filled with exciting learning opportunities and special events. It has also been wonderful to see the sunshine all week—long may it continue!

We were treated to a wonderful assembly by Year 4, who shared their impressive knowledge about the Anglo-Saxons. The children spoke with confidence and enthusiasm, making excellent connections to our school value of community. Well done to everyone involved!

Year 5 had a very successful visit to Eggar’s School, where they represented our school with great pride. A particular highlight was a group of children achieving third place in a competition where they had to build a car to race across the school hall —an excellent achievement! Congratulations to all who took part.

On Thursday, the whole school looked brilliant as we celebrated World Book Day. The children thoroughly enjoyed moving around the school to listen to different adults share one of their favourite stories. It was wonderful to see such excitement for reading. Thank you to all parents for supporting the children with their costumes and a special thank you to Mrs Miffling for organising the day.

I am very much looking forward to the PTFA Quiz this evening. The questions have been carefully crafted by Quiz Master Mrs Blake, what with that, a heads and tails game and a pudding auction, it promises to be a wonderful evening!

Wishing you all a restful weekend.

Mrs Hallett




Governors have set the attendance target for the school at 97%. Last week the attendance rate for the whole school was 96.03%.

Attendance figures for each class last week are below:



This week’s housepoints totals:









This week: We are focusing on two things to make drop off & collection safer. Please can you ensure that you do not park on the zig zag lines in the road. These are there to ensure your children can  get into school safely. Similarly, please do not park on the junctions, where it would make seeing if cars were coming challenging. Please remember, this is to keep everyone safe!



…to the Phillips family for the jigsaw and Jo Phillips for the coffee for the staffroom. We really appreciate your generosity!



Well done to Nightingale! This week, they won the Battle of the Bands competition closely followed by Tutu. Excellent work for practising your times tables and helping your house win this week. The top 15 children of the week are on the TTRS display in school - huge congratulations if you made it onto the leaderboard!

Battle of the Bands will run again this Friday 7th March to Thursday 13th March as a year group competition. Good luck everybody!











On Wednesday, Year 5 went to Eggar's School and had a fantastic day, participating in STEM activities.  They designed and made self powered cars using equipment and tools in the Eggar's DT labs.  At the end of the day, they raced their vehicles against another school and prizes were awarded to the teams who had made cars that travelled the furthest distance.  Gabriel, Louis and Arthur came third in the competition with their car which travelled almost half way down the length of the sports hall.








The menu on our website has just been updated to reflect the changes to some of the meals as previously communicated. This new menu will now stay the same throughout the rest of this academic year.



It is with very heavy hearts that we have to pass on the sad news that former member of staff, Sharon Gallagher, passed away at the weekend.  Sharon worked at Bentley for many years in the office and lots of you will remember her infectious laugh and bubbly personality.  Sharon will be greatly missed by all the Bentley family, past and present, and we know you will join with us in remembering her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.



We have been lucky enough to be given free tickets for every family to attend a football match tomorrow, for free. Farnham Town are playing Uxbridge, kick off is at 3pm. Your child is bringing the ticket home today in their bookbag and each ticket admits up to 2 adults and 5 children.





Butterfly Garden Ground Force Day – Sunday 9th March – 1-4pm

We would like really like to recruit a few more volunteers to come and clear the garden site this coming Sunday 9th March.  Due to the nature of the work, we would only like adults please to participate on this occasion.  The job will involve removing brambles and clearing the site of rubbish so that it is ready to welcome the children’s garden ideas in the Summer Term.  It would be useful if you could provide your own heavy duty gloves and tools such as secateurs and loppers.  We are allocating 3 hours to do the job but if you are only available for a couple of hours, please do let us know.  Hot drinks and refreshments will be provided. If you are interested in helping, please contact Madame Jones via the school office.  Thank you in advance!


Young ACAN Animation Competition

I would like to offer Bentley children one final weekend to participate in the Young ACAN Animation Competition. This exciting competition is open to Key Stage Two children and the winner(s) will see their story come alive as an animation by professional animator, Flo Waters.  See poster for details – closing date March 10th. For inspiration, the children have been read the book ‘The Rubbish Monster Thing’ by Simon Chadwick which is full of great ways to reduce waste from composting to repairing.  For more details, click here.




Cake sale - Friday 14th March, cakes provided by year 3. 50p per item, cash or card accepted (minimum transaction on a card is £1)


 April 1st is April School’s Day!

Children are invited to try to trick their teachers by disguising themselves! 

Bring in £1 to take part by dressing up however they wish - as another student? As a famous person? As a Teacher? Any way the teachers might not know who they are! 

This could be done with a full costume, a wig, a mask… we look forward to seeing their disguises! 

Over the Easter holidays, children will be set a £20.25 challenge. The child with the most creative way to raise £20.25 will win a prize. Maybe they should start thinking now? We can’t wait to see what they come up with!

For those that like to plan ahead, here are some dates for your diary

 Colour Run  Friday 2nd May

We need some equipment to run the colour run!

Do you have any:

- Ice cream tubs 

- Large Blue Tarpaulins

- Blue Sheet either Bedding or Tablecloth

- Pool noodles/ pipe insulation or equivalent 

- Hula Hoops

- Bunting (any design)

- 4x2 wood any lengths considered.

If so, please tell your rep! Thank you!

Sponsored Event Saturday 14th June

 Summer Party  Saturday 5th July