Marshmallows, groovy moves, big snooze...
Campfire and disco was such fun! Silly songs and jokes were shared and marshmallows were toasted on the campfire, and Mr Goddard reflected upon the time we have all shared together as the flames died down. There were some very impressive dance moves spotted at the disco, with an incredible level of energy (including the teachers!).
The children were pretty much asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows and we are happy to report a good night's sleep was had by all.
The children are tucking into yet another hearty breakfast this morning (we can't believe how much they have all eaten this week!) before packing their belongings, saying goodbye to the lovely animals and taking part in the final activities.
Our super teaching team of Mr Goddard, Mrs Scott Bromley, Mrs P, Miss Hand, Mrs Patey and Mrs Hamer report all the children have been delightful and despite the soggy times, have all had a wonderful time.
They will be ready to collect - very tired, no doubt very hungry and certainly in need of a very good soak in the bath - at midday today. We are sure you are all keen to get a huge hug from your child after being away, but please don't arrive earlier than 12pm.
Feel free to stay at the Centre to meet your child's favourite chicken/goat/rabbit/pig and to see and thank not only our fabby staff but also the team at GBC, but please ensure you take all your child's belongings with you as there is an event happening at the Centre this weekend and access will be difficult.
The tuck shop at the Centre will be open; please do take small change as they no longer carry a large float and won't be able to take large notes.