Scholastic Book Fair 15th - 18th November
The book fair will once again be coming to Bentley during the week beginning Monday 15th November so now is the time to start your Christmas shopping!
The fair will be in the dining hall and will be open Monday 3.15 - 4.00pm and Tuesday to Thursday 8.30am - 9.15pm and 3.15 - 4pm. Please wear a face covering when you are visiting the book fair (unless you are exempt), hand sanitiser will be available for you to use on entry and after you have handled the books.
There is something for everyone as books are suitable for all ages from pre-school to teen and a range of genre too - stories, information, poems, jokes. All payments will need to be made online system so please make sure you have your phone and card ready. Instructions will be given about how to make your payments at the fair.
The school received commission on any money you spend at the fair and these funds are then used to re-stock our fabulous school library, so please do come and visit. We look forward to seeing you there!