After a completely fabulous and utterly exhausting day, the children have enjoyed toasting marshmallows, singing silly songs and telling tall tales around the campfire this evening.
It has to be said that for staff and children the meal times are very important at the centre! I was lucky enough to enjoy lunch today with all these lovely people.
The children all slept like logs last night after their film night watching Zootropolis. They were awake at a respectable time this morning and consumed huge quantities of toast for breakfast!
Water pistols, yummy popcorn and a deer sighting...
Year 4 all arrived at the Centre safe and sound. Once beds were made and bags unpacked the children took a tour of the site with Mark from the Gordon Brown Centre.
There will no doubt be a few restless nights amongst our Year 4 pupils (and possibly the teachers!) tonight as thoughts of the 2017 residential run through their heads.