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Day 3 - 27/06/24

Last night, we explored Calshot Castle in our Tudor Twilight adventure. The children enjoyed investigating the different areas and uses of the castle over the years - they especially enjoyed looking at the medieval toilet in disgust!


The evening wouldn't be complete with another explore on the beach - we have all loved having it on our doorstep this week. The children enjoyed the jumping photo challenge Mrs Blake gave them and it was taken very seriously!


We're looking forward to another full day of activities today - keep posted for some more news and photo updates. In the meantime, enjoy these lovely pictures....






Day 3 - continued....

Another good night’s sleep was had by all after the busy day of activities on Wednesday - the children found it a little more difficult to get out of bed this morning, but they were soon ready to go once they could smell the sausages cooking in the dining hall!

Each morning, the children had a room inspection, and we were pleasantly surprised by their organisation! The teachers were entertained with different songs and dances connected with Calshot for some precious bonus points. The winning room from the week will be revealed tomorrow…


We split into two groups and enjoyed team swing, archery and aerotrek. Everyone agreed that the course did not look that high from the ground but was so much higher than they thought when up in the air.  The sound of excited screams filled the hangar as the children descended and hearts were beating fast by the time they got back to the ground!   


After lunch we all enjoyed some orienteering and engineering challenges.  This evening we hope to have some team games on the beach and enjoy the sea air for our last night.