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Y4 - Tuesday 7th May

After finding our bunk beds and unpacking their bags and cases, Year 4 had a bit of time before lunch to settle in and chat about the week ahead. Then we walked over to the cafeteria and had a delicious lunch of chicken/veggie sausages with different vegetables on the side.

Our activities started in a really fun way with the Low Ropes Trail.  This has been expanded further since last year, and we enjoyed trying it out!  We had to cooperate well to complete the trail. It was good!


Then we had a little break and had a chance to play with our friends and visit the animals.


After our busy afternoon, we were really hungry and happy to get back to the cafeteria again!  Being outdoors had given us good appetites.  We had macaroni cheese and salad for our main course.


For our evening activity, we went for a lovely walk in the countryside around the Gordon Brown Centre, visited an original air raid shelter and came back ready to get washed and into our beds.  After story time in our dorm rooms and a little bit of quiet reading, it was time for some sleep.