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Y4 - Thursday 9th may

After the initial excitement of Year 3 moving into the accommodation yesterday, everyone slept well, and we were ready for another active day outdoors. There was another bunkbed inspection – it was getting quite competitive! Then we headed off to breakfast.

After filling up on toast and cereal, we headed out to collect firewood and worked in teams of four to build our fires.  We learnt how to build our own campfires. It was great fun and the children helped each other to achieve their goal – popping some corn! We all had a brilliant time and Mrs Matthews was very impressed with the great team-work and their forest school skills.



Then we had a break with more delicious goodies from home and a chance to play with our friends. Some children played with the sports equipment we had brought from school, others chatted and played board games from home and some got to go and cuddle the rabbits.

For lunch we filled up on meat or veggie hot dogs, served with French fries and corn on the cob. There was an oat crunch biscuit for pudding today.

Mrs Matthews and Arthur went on a "mission cookie" to rescue his cookies before Year 3 ate them!

In the afternoon, we got to run around like mad for laser tag in the woods and then had to be focused and cooperate well for the second trim trail of the week that included a variety of different obstacles.

After a little break to get cleaned up, we will be joined by Year 3 for dinner.

Dinner today is pasta and meatballs and then pudding.

For our final evening activity, we will be having a campfire with Year 3 and singing songs with some stories too. We are sad that it's the last evening activity – we have settled in really well now! After our hot chocolate and biscuit, we will get into our beds, and hopefully have a well deserved sleep!