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This week at Bentley...

At this time of year the weeks suddenly seem to go faster, as we head towards the excitement of December, with lots of preparation, singing and all the usual work taking place at school!

We had our Full Governing Body meeting last night and were delighted to welcome new co-opted governor, Laura Brace and new associate governor, Mark Desborough. We look forward to working with them.

The Governing Body had some serious business to discuss last night as we had to set a deficit budget revision due to the ongoing funding issues for schools. Governors have agreed we need your help and we hope that your support and positivity will ensure that the school can continue successfully over the next year in what will be the most difficult budget I have experienced as a headteacher of fourteen years. Please see the letter at the foot of this page for ways in which you can help. We have written and spoken about this impending issue over recent years and there is more information in the letter I sent out before half term if you would like to know more (also at the foot of the page). 

In school this week…

Year R loved their dance workshop, based around the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’

Year 1 have enjoyed learning about 2D & 3D shapes

Year 2 have been using their imagination and re-inventing The Giant Turnip story

Year 3 were interested to learn about food groups and how to stay healthy

Year 4 have written to apply to Blue Peter for Music badges – good luck!

Year 5 used their measuring and weighing skills in DT to make yummy Christmas cakes

Year 6 have been tackling fractions in maths and working on Greek designs in art

I wish you a peaceful and happy weekend whatever you might be doing.

Mrs Katy Pinchess, Headteacher


Kindness & Values

Following the vote by the children last week, we held a special assembly on Tuesday to recognise those children who were chosen by their peers for their kindness and how well they typify our school values of Love, Faith and Courage. 

We were delighted to award the Kindness Cup to Harry in Year 4 and the Values Cups to Milo and Maddison in Year 6.

Recognition also went to Otto, Melody, Sienna, Lauren (Yr R), Arianna, Will (Yr 1), Darcey, George, Phoebe (Yr 2), Sophie, Oliver (Yr 3), Eryka, Annie, Tom (Yr 4), Harry, Alana, (Yr 5), Chloe, Charlie, Cam (Yr 6).


Thank you…

… to everyone bought poppies, wristbands, zip pulls, money boxes, fluorescent tags and slap bands at school to support the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.  We are delighted to announce we raised £322.48 for this fantastic cause!

… to everyone who donated to Kaira Konko last week on Elmer Day, your kindness added £117.05 to their fund and will make a big difference to the children of Sitahuma School.

… to everyone who brought in Aldi stickers – with the help of Mr Maliphant filling the last few spaces, we were able to send off two completed posters.  Keep your fingers crossed that we win the big prize!

…to the super Christmas volunteer cake bakers who came to help Year 5 bakers on Thursday – it all smelt delicious!


Well done…

… to everyone who took part in the Southern Schools Judo competition at the weekend.  Fred, Year 6 and Max, Year 3 both picked up silver medals in their weight pools and Noah, Year 3, was particularly impressive, picking up the gold medal in his! Well done to them all!


A request

It’s that time of year again when noses are sniffly and we ask you to each donate a box of tissues.  We would really appreciate your donations this year in:

December -Year R & Year 4   –   January - Year 1 & Year 5   -   February - Years 2, 3 & 6


Maths across the school

This week the whole school have had great fun looking at the same reasoning task. It was great to see how each year tackled the task, everyone had a go at recording their findings and working systematically. As reasoning is a key part of our maths curriculum we are always looking to improve the children’s reasoning skills so it is great to see the children are developing their skills of working systematically. We now need to work on how the children articulate their mathematical thinking.

You can help by encouraging your child to talk through their maths homework – what strategies did they use? The following are questions you can ask that will prompt your child to talk through their maths thinking:

  • How do you know?
  • Can you prove it?
  • Can you come up with a different method?
  • What do you notice?
  • Will it always do that, and why?
  • Does your answer seem reasonable? Why/why not

Mrs Rushin, Maths Subject Leader


Books for Christmas?

Don’t forget that our latest Scholastic Book Club is now online at There are hundreds of fantastic children’s books to choose from, and every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club will earn 25p for our school in Scholastic Rewards.  Please place your order online by November 28th, 2019.


Bentley Pond

Work has now started at the pond at the bottom of school lane, and will continue intermittently through late Spring next year. You may notice contractors working on the pond and there may be additional vehicles parked in this area. Please continue to be very mindful of traffic regulations and do not park close to the end of School Lane as it obstructs other drivers to see safely as they pull onto the High Street.


Click here to learn what's happening at school next week