This week at Bentley...
Thank you to everyone who reviewed work with their child at home last Friday and posted to Seesaw. We have saved the work to share with the children’s new teachers ready to highlight their success from this academic year. Well done for all the super builds and lovely flower show entries too!
We have had a lovely final week with our current bubble groups and are excited to see our Year 6 pupils next week. We will also look forward to seeing all the children for their ‘goodbye’ and ‘hello’ Zoom calls on Monday and Tuesday! Your Zoom log in details will be sent out each morning so keep an eye out for the log in codes. Finally, we hope you will be able to pop by on Wednesday to drop off any items (see list below) and collect books, belongings and maybe buy a treat from the Ice Cream van!
There are three special event days lined up for virtual School learning and you will have received an email today for grown-ups to check the details ready to get any resources in advance this weekend.
For all it has been a very unusual year today but the end of year preparations and excitement about moving up to the next year group makes it seem far more usual! Our children have all worked hard, grown up and learnt new skills this year. I know I join you as parents, grandparents and friends of the school in being very proud of them all as we get ready to end another academic year. Bravo to the children!
As you know we are looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday to collect belongs, drop off uniform donations and say a final farewell to Miss Kirby. Please come along during the following timeslots – this will enable all our families to social distance and keep us all safe.
10.00am – families with surnames A-D
10.20am – families with surnames E-I
10.40am – families with surnames J-N
11.00am – families with surnames O-R
11.20am – families with surnames S-Y
As an extra special end of term treat ‘Al’s Ices’ will be on the playground selling ice-creams and lollies during this time. Please remember to follow the current social distancing rules whilst you line up for your treats. 10% of the sales will be donated to the PTFA, so please do bring your purse!
- School books
- Other belongings
- Lost property
Please DROP OFF;
- Peace poles
- Library books
- Reading books (please dig them ALL out!)
- Any of our special School Team loaned PE kits
- Unwanted or outgrown school uniform to the PTFA shed – be an ECO hero! (please remove name tags and ensure that items are clean)
- Clean plastic milk bottle tops
- Stamps
- Used batteries
We were very pleased to see some lovely photos from Mr Maliphant’s wedding last weekend – Congratulations!
Our last goodbye for this school year is to Mandy Lanning who will be leaving our amazing Breakfast Club team. Mandy says, “We have had a very happy seven years and had it not been for moving house there is no way that we would be leaving Bentley – we love it! Charlie, Olivia and I will miss you all very much.” We are certainly going to miss you too Miss Lanning and thank you so much for all your hard work, especially for helping to set up our amazing spring family breakfasts!
… Charlie in Year 5, who has a beautiful new baby brother!
Kaidy-May, Louis, Rida, Chloe and Harry…! We are sorry the whole school couldn’t all sing Happy Birthday in collective worship as we usually would, but Bubble Group 4 have sung it instead J You can download the audio file from the foot of this page.
We hope you had a really fabulous birthday!
The DfE have asked us to pass on this information with parents and carers:
For parents and carers considering holiday child care and activities, this guidance explains changes to after-school clubs, holiday clubs, tuition, community activities and other out-of-school settings for children and young people over the age of 5, during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. You may wish to use this information when considering a placement for your child/children this summer. Guidance has also been made available for providers.