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This week at Bentley...

We have been talking about our ‘Legacy’ at school this week linked to the Move Up morning on Tuesday. Sadly the Secondary schools were following the current DfE advice so were unable to host the new Year 7s and they stayed with us. The positives of this were that they spent a super session reflecting on their journey with us over their years at the school. They also worked on a ‘Legacy Project’ to design a special timeline to help other pupils understand chronology better. This is something our History Leader, Miss Hand, has been very keen to develop so will hopefully become part of her own legacy for Bentley too.

Many of us have also been feeling very patriotic this week linked to the Euros, Wimbledon and in the Cricket too! A good friend of the school and former Science Club Guru Chris Lowther sent me this interesting historic montage which you may want to watch with the family (do skip the advert!) - click here to view  The film shows an excellent comparison of London 1890 - 1920 to the present day and is worth watching all 11 minutes.

I would certainly advocate a good discussion about the clips and it is always worth an adult making clear that the ‘olden days’ were not black and white in reality but only in filming! This is a common misconception for children. Whilst we cannot find out what the people of the 1890s were thinking the film may inspire a phone call to older generations who can answer some questions about their own memories of London. It is a wonderful city indeed and I hope many children will be able to visit and enjoy the fantastic sights again this summer.

In other news, we believe the recent summer monsoons may come to an end soon and glorious weather will see us into the summer holidays! Only two weeks left - enjoy the INSET day today.

Mrs Katy Pinchess, Headteacher



There are lots of activities happening in school over the next two weeks.  Click here for a reminder of all the important dates


Raffle Donations

A big thank you for your generosity today in supporting our summer raffle. It is very much appreciated. We have some tremendous prizes available which would brighten up your summer holiday! We will send home a pack of raffle tickets in an unsealed envelope with every child. There is no pressure to purchase tickets. If you would like to purchase tickets, please complete the stubs and put them into the envelope, along with cash and seal the envelope before returning it to school.  If you don't wish to purchase any, please send them straight back into school so they are available to pass on to others. If you would like more tickets please just let us know. All tickets need to be returned to school by 9am on Thursday 22nd July ready for the BIG DRAW for prizes!  Please click here for more information and to see the prize list.


Fun for the INSET Day

If you are looking for something fun to do tomorrow then look no further…

Hampshire Music Service have a very special Musical performance to enjoy with  the Giant Summer Sing taking place online, TOMORROW on Friday 9 July at 9am. Join them on their YouTube Channel for a half-hour session of singing fun (look out for the ‘Giant Summer Sing’ video from 9am onwards)! Hampshire Music Service - YouTube 

The Hampshire County Youth Choirs have contributed some wonderful songs to the event and are currently looking for new members. If any pupils would like to attend their open rehearsal Friday 17 September 2021, they can sign up using this link.


Colouring in and fun sheets for ‘Eat them to defeat them’

This week we have enjoyed ‘Pea’ Week! The Bentley children have been doing a sterling job of eating up those those vegetables over this campaign and lots of them have reported trying some additional ones each week. Mrs P is creating a brilliant display to celebrate our Veggie Attack so please bring in any fantastic artwork to add to this display! We would love to see any creative pictures or well coloured pictures of peas, carrots, broccoli, peppers and sweetcorn…or any other vegetables you have been munching on!  You can find the sheets at the foot of the page.



There is a great event on in Alton this week which we recommend! All the details about ACAN can be found at the foot of this page.


Information from Fostering Hampshire Children

Share your skills and experience to help a child reach their potential. We’ll support you every step of the way.

Discover more about fostering at one of our upcoming informal virtual events where you have the opportunity to get your questions answered by an experienced foster carer.

Find out more about the day-to-day role of a foster carer, the different types of foster care, the Hampshire Hive support model and much more.

No need to book and no obligation to apply, simply attend via Microsoft Teams. Approx. 1 hour.

Check out our upcoming fostering events this summer – see the leaflet at the foot of this page


Click here to find out what’s happening next week and

here to get more information about what’s going on in the local area