This week at bentley...
Receiving the Ofsted ‘call’ on Monday morning is never expected but as we had been waiting for over fourteen years for another inspection it was very much welcomed. Whilst we knew the length of time between inspections was for very positive reasons, the school governors and I were aware our report was out of date and written around a framework which has been reviewed, updated and replaced several times since 2007!
The final report will be with the school in approximately a month’s time when our school community will be the first to see it. Please respect we are not able to share any outcomes with anyone beyond those few representatives attending the feedback session on Wednesday evening.
Staff have worked longer hours so get paperwork and feedback together within the days of the Inspection and I hope you can be understanding of us having to move a couple of events around this week. The children are having a great day today as a super introduction to their Houses; Tutu (Yellow), Kolbe (Blue), Wilberforce (Red) and Nightingale (Green). Whilst parents may be most familiar with houses within sports and competitions, the House days are designed by staff to allow family connections and to develop a strong sense of community across the year groups. This year we will have two further House days, as we did before the pandemic, to help nurture these aims.
In class this week…
Year R have started learning their phonic sounds and are practising writing them indoors and outdoors.
Year 1 really impressed the Fire Service with their knowledge of fire safety.
Year 2 have been studying the Great Fire of London and had a virtual visit from the Fire Service.
Year 3 had fun designing games and creating backgrounds in Scratch
Year 4 started swimming lessons and were brilliantly behaved.
Year 5 learnt how mountains are formed in Geography and looked at examples around the world.
Year 6 have been investigating the difference between mass and weight using Newton meters.
We know there are lots of exciting events on locally and you may already be at the Goodwood Revival or seeing Vikings at Butser Ancient Farm. If you can spare some time it would be great to see some of you tomorrow on site between 2-4pm for our Site Improvement Session, as we urgently need willing volunteers to help attack the weeds and bramble vines on site! The weather this year seems to have led to huge growth and we want to ensure our site is pruned and looking at its best as we head into the autumn. No previous experience is required. All families are welcome, please bring your own gardening gloves etc (snippers, secateurs and own gardening bucket/bag would be very useful). Even if you can volunteer for just 15 minutes it will make a big difference! If you can’t make it but would be happy to take the garden waste to the tip on Sunday or Monday, please let us know. If you are able to join us, please park in the staff car park as the Scouts Jumble Sale is happening on the recreation ground.
Have a super weekend, whatever you are up to.
Mrs Katy Pinchess, Headteacher
Volunteering in School
We are very lucky to have so many parents, grandparent, carers and friends of the school who are willing to give up their time to read with the children and help out with special activities. We are keen to get you back in to school after half term. Mrs Pinchess will be holding a Volunteer training session on Tuesday 28th September from 10am – 11am on Zoom. If you would like to volunteer, you will need to complete this training (there will be another date early in the Spring Term if you are unable to make this one). Please click here to book your space.
Data Collection
On Monday the children will each be bringing home a Data Collection sheet which contains lots of information about your child and contact details for parents and carers. Please check yours carefully, make any amendments and return to the school office by Tuesday 28th September.
Absence from School
With children having missed so much time in school over the last 18 months, it is now more important than ever not to take time out of school. We encourage you to make dental, doctor and other medical appointments outside of school hours, but we appreciate this cannot always be avoided.
We are now using an online form for parents and carers to request an absence from school for their child. The form can be found on the school website in Parents/Handy forms and information or you can click here to access it. This form should be completed in advance of any absence.
Thank you to everyone who completed the online Clubs booking form. Spaces have now been allocated and if your child has a space on one of the Teacher-led clubs for this term, you will receive a text by 6pm today. To confirm your space, please go to to consent and pay. All payments must be received by Wednesday 23rd September. Any spaces not paid by this time may be allocated to another child. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the office as soon as possible to discuss a payment plan.
Do you have a child due to start school in September 2022?
We have published our ‘Open Morning’ appointments for Reception Year 2022! Simply click here and select one of the appointments to come into school and be shown around and then have a chat with Mrs Pinchess.
Even if you already have a child at school, we would love to see you and talk about your pre-schooler and answer any questions you may have.
Help is at hand for families struggling with the utility bills
If you are having difficulties with the cost of energy bills, you may be eligible for a FREE fuel voucher from Citizens Advice to help pay for your utilities.
For more details and to find local branch contact details visit the Citizens Advice website:
We were delighted to see so many of you at the Welcome BBQ on Friday last week – it was a super first event of the year and we were very lucky with the weather too. It was so lovely to finally be able to come together again with families old and new to the school! Thank you to all the staff for taking the lead and manning the BBQ, serving drinks and refreshments and to everyone who stayed afterwards to help clear up.
Click here to find out what’s happening next week and
here to get more information about what’s going on in the local area