This week at Bentley...
It has been a super week of learning in school. All the hard work from the start of term is really paying off and the staff team have been commenting on some great learning going on. Well done everyone!
We are most certainly in autumn cold season. A typical cold should not keep children off school, but TLC and plenty of fluids are in order. Stock up on the honey and lemon and teach little children how to blow their nose then put their own tissue straight in the bin and wash their hands. We also ask each child to provide a box of tissues over the autumn and winter seasons (Year 6 and R in October, Year 1 and Year 5 in November, Year 2 and Year 4 in December and Year 3 in January). Please pick up a box of tissues and pop them in the Office messages box, as it will help us to try and keep the germs at bay! Thank you in advance.
Thank you to those parents who attended the ‘Meet the Headteacher’ on a gloomy October evening. I hope it helped you to understand our school development plans for this year and beyond. For anyone unable to attend the slides are available at the foot of this page – this includes important information about attendance. We have an amazing staff and governor team who all want the very best for each and every child in our community. Please continue to ask questions and pass on ideas to support the school.
In the classrooms this week…
Year R went to the woods for their first Forest School and were excited to find the playhouse!
Year 1 build a Sukkah in the classroom in RE and learnt about how Jewish people celebrate Sukkot
Year 2 have enjoyed watching their seeds grown roots in science and learning to tie shoelaces in RSHE
Year 3 did a wonderful job retelling stories about Blue Penguin, and their own animals
Year 4 have been learning all about the digestive system in science
Year 5 learnt about Mount Snowdon by reading an Ordnance Survey Map, as part of their geography topic
Year 6 have been reflecting on why discipleship is important to Christians
Have a lovely weekend
Best wishes,
Mrs Pinchess, Headteacher
A reminder…
…all infant children need to be collected from school by an adult
Brilliant news for Mrs Blake and her family
Baby Heidi was born early on Wednesday morning. Mummy and baby are both doing well and her big sister was very excited to welcome them all home. Congratulations to the whole family!
Flu Nasal Spray
The deadline for giving consent for your child to have their Flue Nasal Spray at school is Tuesday 18th October. Click here to consent using the School Reference SH116279.
Harvest assemblies
Parents and family are warmly welcomed into school next week to share our Harvest Festival collective worship on Thursday 13th October. Infants – 9.05am and Juniors at 9.30am.
Please can children bring a donation of dried or canned items (please do check for expiry dates!) and we will pass these much needed supplies onto the Alton Food Bank. No glass items as children carry these from the classroom into the hall themselves at the start of the assembly.
Guess the weight of the marrow
Congratulations to Mrs Patey and Finley in Year 4 who were the proud recipients of the giant marrows. The marrows weighed 2018g and 2127g respectively. Great estimations in your mathematical measures! We hope your family enjoyed eating them too. Children can find it hard to apply mathematical concepts to ‘real life’ so we encourage all families to do some practical measuring together at home. Please measure in metric. You could weigh; people, ingredients for baking, random objects! Children struggle with the common misconception that bigger always equals heavier. You can support your child by doing some prediction to measure how heavy a big teddy is, versus how heavy a smaller heavy object is to test this out. Have fun.
Reading Challenge
If your child completed the school reading challenge over the summer, please ensure they hand in the completed forms to the class teacher by Friday 14th October at the latest. If your child took part in the Hampshire Library Summer Reading Challenge, please pass their certificate to the class teacher by Friday 14th October (these will be returned).
Harry Potter party
Wednesday 19th October
4.45-5.45pm in the school dining hall – enter through Diagon Alley (through the main front door)
As part of Junior Book Club we will be having a special Harry Potter party for children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 only. £5 per child to attend which includes a high tea feast! Games and lots of Harry Potter fun will be enjoyed. Come dressed as a character from Harry Potter – homemade costumes are very welcome, please don’t buy a special outfit unless you really want to! Broomsticks and wands welcome, but no living pets please! Tickets are limited so book fast by clicking here.
Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running!
Flyers came out to all classes this week. Click here to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards. If your order is a gift for a child, please email the school office so we can keep them aside for you. Any child pocket money orders with cash can be processed at school if sent in before Friday 14th October. The Scholastic book fair will be back in school next term.
Click here to find out what’s happening next week and
here to get more information about what’s going on in the local area