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This week at Bentley...

It has certainly been a busy week in UK politics as well as at school…who knows who will be Prime Minister by our return to school on Tuesday 1st November? Year 6 certainly had some great solutions in their discussion yesterday afternoon so perhaps it is time to consult with the children for some sensible ideas!

Today we have completed our Safety week discussing road safety and pupils wowed us with their bright outfits. We have raised £162.87 through your donations for the NSPCC, thank you. Teachers have noted some great understanding and children have been reassured by knowing how to act in some difficult situations.

On Monday, we watched the NSPCC assemblies in class followed by class discussion

On Tuesday Mrs Scott-Bromley taught us about the work of the emergency services and what children need to know

On Wednesday we learnt about medicines and how to keep safe

On Thursday pupils had a practical first aid lesson, practising what to do if someone has a head injury and how to put someone in the recovery position

And today, the pupil JRSOs (Junior Road Safety Officers) taught us about ‘Be bright, be seen’ to help us keep safe as the dark hours get longer.

Have a wonderful half-term and we look forward to lots more great learning in November.

Mrs Pinchess, Headteacher


Book Fair

We are delighted Scholastic will be returning again this term.  The fair will be open Monday – Thursday from 14th to 17th November, before school 8.30 - 9.15am and after school 3.15 – 4pm.  All payments will be online via the Scholastic website which can also be accessed by a QR code on the day. It’s a great opportunity to pick up some super Christmas presents and every purchase you make raises funds for new books for our school library.


School lunches

HC3S have published their new menu which begins on November 1st.  You can download a copy of the menu from the foot of this page.


Eco-Council update

This year our school has made the decision to work towards Eco-Schools Green Flag accreditation, you can find out more about what this means for our school and the work the Eco-Council will be doing to achieve this accreditation on our website by clicking here.


Bonfire Night

The amazing Bentley bonfire is coming very soon. Please do step forward to help as this is a big event and we need many hands. Reception class parents and new parents and carers please don’t be shy, those who have been here for a while you know the score – we NEED all of you to help please with BBQ cooking, bar running and snack selling! Contact your PTFA Class Rep to find out more if you aren’t sure and to let them know when you’re available so they can sign you up if you haven’t already signed up on the board at school.  You can share a thirty-minute slot with another parent if that helps!  We can’t run all our fabulous PTFA events like these without help from every family over the year so a big thank you in advance.


Food Hygiene

We need some volunteers to take an online food hygiene course to help with PTFA events.  We always need qualified people present at any events with food involved and so the more people qualified the better! For more information, please talk to Molly, Sarah C or Sarah F. We can sign you up and send you the link to access at your convenience. Thank you in advance.


Click here to find out what’s happening next week and

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