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this week at bentley.....

It has been a chilly week, where defrosting the car has become a new pass time for many of us! It has felt as though the weather has matched the Christmassy mood in school and the children have had a brilliant time, despite all the seasonal bugs going around. We have a few poorly pupils and members of staff and we wish them all a speedy recovery for Christmas. Our advice is to keep up your vitamins and hand-washing to try and fend off the bugs! Do refer to the NHS advice we have shared with you if you are concerned about any symptoms. 

The production of Aladdin by Year 3,4 and 5 was absolutely brilliant and it was a joy to see the pupils developing their acting, singing and dancing skills. Bravo to all the performers, and to the wonderful staff who trained and supported them in showing themselves at their very best.

Church today was very special, thanks to the hard work of Year R and Year 6 who lead the service. Again, these wonderful moments are well planned and orchestrated by the staff team; we are all very grateful to them.

Thank you too, to everyone who donated to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.  We raised £169.29 for the Disasters Emergency Committee.  With that in mind, I think the messages from church today are most relevant to us all and the Bentley team wish you and your family all the Hope, Love, Joy and Peace of Advent.

Have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing you all back at school on Wednesday 4th January 2023!

Mrs Pinchess




DVDs are now on sale via scopay click here to order


We are pleased to let you know that we have a jobshare LSA starting in Yr4 with Mrs Ollie Elkington on a Monday and Miss Verity Turner Tuesday to Friday. We look forward to settling them into Bentley life in January!

Forest Explorers Volunteer Opportunity

Forest Explorers is our new weekly ‘Forest School’ session every Monday in our lovely school woodland. We are still seeking a volunteer (who loves being outside in all weathers) to support Madame Jones with the weekly sessions. Experience is not necessary, as full training will be given. Year 3 are the next lucky class to enjoy the sessions (from week 2) and if you are interested please get in touch.


We would like to thank everyone who has helped us this term. Whether that be manning a stall, sorting out books, moving tables or tidying the shed, we couldn’t do it without you all and are so appreciative. We wish everyone a very merry Christmas and hope you all have a wonderful festive time. We look forward to more fun in the new year!”