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this week at Bentley.....

What a wonderful week of weather we have had! It makes such a difference being able to run around outside in the sunshine. On days that we know the sun is going to shine, please remember to send your children to school with water bottles and a hat.

First and foremost, let me express how incredibly proud I am of our Year 3 and 4 students who recently attended the residential trip at the Gordon Brown Centre. It was truly inspiring to hear about their determination and teamwork as they tackled various challenges, such as the low and high rope courses, obstacle courses, and even archery. These experiences not only fostered their physical abilities but also strengthened their problem-solving skills and camaraderie.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to our Year 6 students who have been diligently preparing for their SATs. Their unwavering dedication and embodiment of our school values during this challenging period have been truly remarkable. Mrs. Blake has assured me that while some students may feel a touch of nervousness as the exams approach, they are eagerly anticipating the delightful SATs breakfasts that await them each day. These well-deserved treats will undoubtedly provide a delightful reward for their hard work after completing each paper. Remember, a little bit of nervousness is natural and can even help you focus and perform at your best. I have no doubt that you will all shine, Year 6!

Furthermore, I am delighted to share that our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) unit recently received a visit from an Early Years adviser. During their observation, our young learners enthusiastically participated in a shape hunt, looking for repeated patterns in their environment. The adviser was thoroughly impressed by the children's independence and engagement throughout the activity.

Finally, I would like to remind you all about our upcoming PTFA quiz night scheduled for the 17th of May. No need to worry if you don't have a team ready – you can simply sign up individually and join in on the fun!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Vicky Hallett



This week’s whole school attendance is 96.12 %

Although the government sets a target of 95% for primary schools, our governors have set a target of 98% for our school.  This is because an attendance rate of 95% still means that your child would have had approximately ten days of absence throughout the year; this is considered a significant loss to learning.

The class with the best attendance this week is year 3 with 98.93%. Well done year 3.


WELCOME HOME Years 3 and 4!

Years 3 and 4 return from their residential trip to the Gordon Brown Residential Centre today.  Check out the blog to see more of what they’ve been up to this week - Click here








And yr 1 have also been out spending a lovely day at Arundel castle.


St. Mary’s Church visits

Next week each class will be visiting St Mary's Church, Bentley to take part in Prayer Week activities. This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to understand more about prayer and experience different ways to pray. 

In order to ensure safe walking to the church, we need volunteers to help each class walk there and back. If you are able to help by walking with your child's class, please let the office know. Below is the schedule for the visits. The classes will be aiming to leave school ten minutes before their session time.

Monday - 2-3pm Year 5

Tuesday - 2-3pm Year 4

Wednesday - 1-2pm Year 2

Thursday - 2-3pm Year 3

Friday - 1-2pm Year 1

              - 2-3pm Years R and 6

Seonaid Scott-Bromley

Reception class teacher


Good Luck!

Good luck to Mrs Scott-Bromley for the opening night of Noel Coward’s, Blithe Spirit.  We have no doubt you are going to be fantastic!








walk to school week 20th - 24th may

The week after next is walk to school week.  Please take part if you can. It is an important learning opportunity. The children will be having a Walk To School assembly next week; you may want to chat to them about it and plan your route.




Coming up….














Bentley PTFA (Parents, Teachers & Friends association)

Visit the PTFA website by clicking here

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