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this week at Bentley.....

It's been an exciting and eventful time at Bentley primary school, and I'm thrilled to share some fantastic news with you all.

Building upon the success of our sports day last week, where our incredible PTFA raised an impressive £200 from the sales of tea, coffee, and ice-creams, our students have continued to shine on the field. Bentley entered two cricket competitions, and both teams displayed exceptional skill and sportsmanship.

One of our teams emerged victorious, claiming the top spot, and earning the incredible opportunity to play at the prestigious Ageas Bowl in the coming weeks. The second team also put forth an impressive performance, securing the second place position. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Mr. Goddard and Mr Metters for their guidance and support throughout these competitions. They commended our students for their exemplary behaviour, noting how they embodied our school's values and demonstrated wonderful sportsmanship at every turn. Well done, team Bentley!

In addition to our sporting triumphs, we have more cause for celebration. Two of our talented Year 5 students, James and Annabel, have won prizes in a competition organised by the Alton Lions. The challenge involved designing a poster with the theme "Protect our Wildlife," and their creations truly stood out. Both students received book vouchers as their well-deserved rewards, and James also won a bird box for our school. We look forward to finding the perfect spot to install the bird box and eagerly anticipating any feathered visitors it may attract. All the poster entries, including the winning ones, will be on display at Alton Library, so be sure to stop by and admire the creativity of our students.

Furthermore, Years R, 1, 2, and 3 had the privilege of welcoming a children’s author to our school this week. Simon Murray, the brilliant mind behind Icky Doo Dah books, captivated our children with the fascinating characters he has created. The children were in awe of the illustrations he crafted during the sessions and also had the opportunity to create their own ‘monsters of mischief’. Thank you to Mrs Blake for organising this wonderful opportunity.

Our Year 4 children were invited to Eggars School on Wednesday to try out secondary school life! Mrs Matthews shares:

‘We had a great time! Our day started with a bang – using the school’s African drums for a session. All the children were able to try out a full-sized drum kit too! Spanish was next and this was very popular with the children as they said they liked learning something new that they could share with their families. After that was the science lab – which was very exciting and the children learnt about chromatography. The children ended the day with a game of rounders – which was a great way to finish off their busy day! Thank you to Eggars for making the day so fun!’ 

A couple of reminders:

  • Please remember to park with due consideration to local residents at drop off and pick up times.
  • Please remember to send your child into school with a water bottle. The office have a few spares, but over recent days they have run out, as the demand has been that high.

Vicky Hallett




This week’s whole school attendance is 95.89 %

Although the government sets a target of 95% for primary schools, our governors have set a target of 98% for our school.  This is because an attendance rate of 95% still means that your child would have had approximately ten days of absence throughout the year; this is considered a significant loss to learning.

The class with the best attendance this week is year R with 99.26%. Well done year R, again!


'The Alton Arts Festival' ( a 10-day, multi-arts, multi-venue festival taking place for the first time in July 2024, in Alton, Hampshire. Alongside a diverse and exciting programme of music, literary, theatre, visual arts and community events the organisers have created a wonderful week of workshops for 15 local primary schools and Bentley is one of them!  This schools programme, which is running from 8th July to 12 July, is intended to give all children the opportunity to access creative arts through drama, wellbeing, art, music, and poetry workshops.  

Bentley is delighted to be taking part.  We will be welcoming Flip Theatre who will run a full day’s workshop for all our classes. There will also be a day of African Drumming and Art Workshops with local artists for all year groups too during that week. 

We will also be contributing to the gardening trail, which will be displayed along the footprint of the festival. 

You will find a flyer in your book bags today detailing the programme.  If you would like to see what events/talks/shows are on during the festival please check out the website where you can book your tickets.



Thank you to everyone for the generous donations to the PTFA raffle hampers; they are looking amazing!  If anyone has any last raffle tickets to hand in, please bring them to the office on Monday.


Bentley PTFA (Parents, Teachers & Friends association)

Visit the PTFA website by clicking here

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