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this week at Bentley.....

What an incredible week we've had at Bentley Primary School! I'm absolutely thrilled to share with you the highlights of our recent events and activities.

First and foremost, I must express my heartfelt appreciation for the spectacular BFEST. As a first-time attendee, I was truly overwhelmed by the incredible atmosphere and the outstanding performances of our children. Watching them take the stage, whether solo or in groups, filled me with emotion and pride. Their courage and talent were truly inspiring.

What touched me even more was the incredible support our children showed each other backstage. It was heartwarming to see our school value of love being demonstrated so naturally and freely amongst our students.

The turnout from our Bentley community was phenomenal, and it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces joining us for this special event. A special mention must go to our Year 6 children who managed their stalls with great enthusiasm and skill. I can personally attest to our children’s excellent aim with water pistols – those 10 minutes felt very long indeed! But seeing the joy on their faces made it all worthwhile, not to mention the funds raised for our school.

None of this would have been possible without our extraordinary PTFA. Their tireless efforts and dedication in organising BFEST paid off tremendously. I'm thrilled to announce that we raised a record-breaking £4,072! This is an astounding amount, and I'd like to extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who attended and contributed.

This week, our Year 6 children were pushing their boundaries at Calshot. Mrs Blake, Mrs Miffling, and Mr Metters have been impressed by the children's resilience and positive attitudes. A big thank you to these staff members for making this residential trip possible.

Mrs Blake said Year 6 have spent the last four days at Calshot on their residential. We are so proud of each and every one of them, as they impressed us with their teamwork and resilience, trying new activities that challenged different skills. They all loved being right next to the sea and spent lots of time exploring on the beach. Read the blog to find out more and see lots of photos!’

Our Year 3 class also had an exciting outing to Fishbourne Palace as part of their curriculum. I'd like to express my appreciation to our minibus drivers for safely transporting the children to and from this educational visit. Year 3 children said ‘We have had an AMAZING day! We have been archaeologists, trying to discover the clues to the palace and have also practised Roman jobs. Our favourites were writing our names, building a bridge and cooking the food. We also have a new Roman prince and princess in our class!’

These events and activities truly showcase the vibrant, supportive, and enriching environment we strive to create at Bentley Primary School. They reflect our commitment to providing diverse learning experiences and fostering a strong sense of community.

Thank you all for your continued support and involvement in making Bentley Primary School a wonderful place for our children to learn and grow.

Vicky Hallett



This week’s whole school attendance is 95.63 %

Although the government sets a target of 95% for primary schools, our governors have set a target of 98% for our school.  This is because an attendance rate of 95% still means that your child would have had approximately ten days of absence throughout the year; this is considered a significant loss to learning.

The class with the best attendance this week is year 1 with 97.58%. Well done year 1.


French Day  – Wednesday 3rd July 2024

This year’s French Day will be all about the Jeux Olympiques – the Olympic Games - which begin in Paris on July 26th. As always, the children are invited to dress up in red, white and blue – this could be in a sports kit to reflect the Olympic theme.  In addition, there will be the popular Year 6 Croissant Kiosk at break time as well as class games of Pétanque and a special French lesson from Mrs Nonhebel.  Madame Jones will deliver an Olympic-themed French lesson to every class and the children will participate in a range of other Olympic activities throughout the day. 


Museum visitor

On Monday, Year R had a special visit from Clare, who works at the Farnham Museum. She brought two big suitcases of toys! She told them all about what materials toys used to be made from and how they worked. Some toys they had never seen before, but some were just like the ones we have at school! Their favourite part was when Clare let them play with some of the toys.

Clare told Mrs Scott-Bromley that she was very impressed with Year R's behaviour, including the respectful way they handled the toys.











Year R would like to thank all the parents and teachers who brought in  junk modelling materials for us. Please keep it coming because we have loved making models!

We also want to thank Mrs Phillips and Mrs Rhodes for giving us the costumes and the big lego bricks, which have been a massive hit this week!

Seonaid Scott-Bromley



We are pleased to announce that B-Fest 2024 raised £4072.03! This is an amazing total and will make SUCH a difference to the school and all the students. 


Some thank yous need to go to… 

- The school for putting on such a great music festival. The children were fantastic, everyone worked so hard and lovely memories were made 

- All our volunteers who helped us on the day - you’re all so amazing 

- The Hen and Chicken for their generous donation of the ale! 

- Hamptons for their sponsorship and wonderful face painter

 - Our cake bakers, decorators, jazzy jar makers, crafters… 

- And everyone for coming and enjoying the day.