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This week at Bentley...

It was truly wonderful to welcome so many of you to our Harvest Festival this week. I am incredibly proud of all the children, from the beautiful artwork to the heartfelt prayers they wrote. It was a special occasion to come together as a community and give thanks to God in such a meaningful way.

A huge thank you to our PTFA, who have been exceptionally busy! Not only did they organise today’s Afternoon Tea, but they also raised an impressive £490 at the recent Bingo night. They have also purchased a new shed for Forest School and provided additional storage units for our playtime equipment – all wonderful contributions that will benefit all the children here at Bentley.

Some of you may have spotted our staff walking around Bentley village on Wednesday evening! This was part of our Outdoor Leader Training, which all teachers took part in. The training is essential in ensuring we can assess risks accurately and continue to offer the fantastic range of school trips our children enjoy. This training was funded by the PTFA, so once again, we are deeply grateful for your support.

I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the Afternoon Tea later today. It promises to be a lovely event, and I hope as many of you as possible can join us.

Vicky Hallett



…to the Marshall family for the donations of a Tuff tray and stand, craft supplies and toys, the Roach family for the beanbag and the Green family for the large Snakes and Ladders game. We are very grateful for your generous donations and support.



Well done to Year 5!  This week they won the Battle of the Bands competition, which involved all of the key stage two classes.  Excellent work for practising your times tables and helping your class to win this week!

Battle of the Bands will run again from Friday 18th October until Thursday 24th October.  Good luck everyone!



It is essential that the school gate is kept shut during the school day for the safety of the children. It is unlocked early in the morning before Breakfast Club, then locked at 9.05am.  In the afternoon it is opened for school pick up at 3.05pm and will stay open until after collection from clubs at 4.15. After this time please use the staff car park gate if you are collecting from After-School club.



A reminder that during the week of Parents Evenings (week beginning 21st October) no teacher-led clubs will be running. Artbox and Fun Science club will not be running this week either.



On Tuesday 22nd October the green meal option will be plant-based burger instead of sweet potato and lentil curry.




Wanted: Pre-loved wellies and waterproofs


If you have children in Year 6, Nature Club or Wild Adventures, you will know that our woods are very muddy! The children are taught about the importance of wearing the right clothes so that they can enjoy nature whatever the weather and at this time of year that means wellies and waterproofs.  We would very much welcome your pre-loved wellies and waterproofs to add to our current stock.  Please bring your donations into school and they will be very gratefully received!  Thank you in advance.


Nature Reserve Update


This term our Nature Club is busy maintaining our lovely nature reserve.  The children have been weather-proofing our paths with woodchip and renovating the animal homes like the Hedgehog Hideout and Buginham Palace. They have also conducted a small bioblitz to establish what we have living in the reserve.  We particularly enjoyed finding fungi like the ones above which has inspired us to create a Fungi Forest. We are also going to update our bug hunting area to allow classes to come and hunt for bugs in our nature reserve and plant some woodland bulbs ready for the Spring.

Half-term nature fun – November 1st – 3rd at Juniper Hall, Surrey

If you are looking for a nature-filled family activity for half-term, you might wish to book a weekend at Juniper Hall in Surrey. The weekend is led by the Field Studies Council for families with children aged 4-8 years.  For more details, click here or head to the Field Studies Council website.




It is already time to be looking ahead to next September! If your child is in Year 6, please look at our community pages for information about open events for our local secondary schools, Eggars and Amery Hill. Applications are already open.

If you have a younger child who turns 4 between 1st September 2024 and 31st August 2025 (or know someone locally who does) we are already advertising our open events for prospective parents. Click here to find out more.






Bonfire night:

Bentley Bonfire Night is on Friday 8th November. The PTFA provide all the refreshments! The bar, bbq and kids refreshment stalls are always very busy but good fun. 

Please help us fill the slots - sign up here:

Set up:

BBQ cooking:

BBQ serving:

Bar & children’s refreshments:

Toffee apples & glow items:

Tidy up:

Thank you in advance to everyone!

Parentkind: the charity that supports school PTAs - have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available to donate to primary schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative – all you have to do is: opt in through the Asda Rewards app, choose our primary school and shop and scan in store or shop online at, between 2nd September and 30th November 2024 Asda will donate 0.5% of the value of your shop to our PTA. Also, every time somebody opts in, Asda will give an additional £1 to the school Cashpot. Plus, it doesn’t stop there – Asda are also giving £50 to every school to get them started.