Apples Galore!
This term we are having a mammoth apple pick! Before the end of term all our children will have walked up to a local orchard and spent an hour picking apples off the trees and gathering windfall.
These are then delivered to the local press who turn them into delicious apple juice which is sold at school, in Bentley Stores and at Holybourne Shop & Post Office. All the proceeds from the apple juice sales go to the PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association) charity which provides additional funds for the school. Huge thanks to the Slater family for allowing us to visit their fantastic orchard!
If you would like to donate any apples from your own trees – or indeed would like us to send a team to pick them for you – please do get in touch. We are very happy to collect your apples if you are unable to deliver them to school. Any and all apples are gratefully received - as long as they aren't rotten - as they all blend together beautifully to make our delicious apple juice.