This is the next special event day chosen by our pupils for this academic year to raise funds for school (and to have a lot of fun!). The plan is to select something to teach the class and teacher. It costs £2 and this needs to be paid for via www.scopay.com if your child wants to take part as a teacher.
They need to;
- Plan their 5-10minute lesson and bring it into school on Thursday so the grown up teachers can plan the timetable for Friday
- Bring in any equipment they might need e.g a powerpoint on a memory stick; a Youtube/Bitesize clip link; or a worksheet master which can be photocopied at school as necessary.
They can choose to wear ‘teacher’ or sports coach clothes (if they want to)!
They can teach whatever they would like to within their allocated time of 5-10minutes. They might choose to teach;
- a sports skill
- share a clever maths strategy
- get the class to take part in a special art activity
- a song (this will have to be outside or in one of the halls so please warn us in advance!)
- share a fun family activity to inspire their friends
- a poem
…really they can teach ANYTHING they feel would be enjoyed by their class and teacher in a short lesson.