Our approach to SEND provision
We follow the graduated approach to ensure children with SEND are identified and regularly assessed, so that we can provide appropriate provision.
- Nursery transition
- Pupil progress meetings
- Teacher assessment
- Standardised and diagnostic tests
- Concerns raised by parents
- Concerns raised by class teacher or LSA
- Medical diagnosis through paediatrician
- Pupil conferencing
- Liaison with external agencies e.g. Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists and Specialist Teacher Advisers
- Teacher and SEND Leader create a pupil passport
- Support plan with SMART targets
- Pre- and post-intervention testing and analysis of the data collected
- Observations
- Analysis of pupil data
- Regular review of support plan targets
- Annual review meetings for children with Education, Health Care Plans
- Pupil Voice
- Interventions and groups
- Resources and classroom provision
- The class teacher will deliver quality first teaching and will be responsible for overseeing, planning and working with children with special educational needs in their class to ensure that progress is made.