Year 3
Our oustanding team in Year 3 are:
Mrs Miffling, Class Teacher
Miss Trigg, Class Teacher
Mrs Patey, LSA/ELSA
Our Summer Term Newsletter can be found by clicking the link at the foot of this page.
Timetable basics
PE days are Monday and Thursday but PE kit needs to be in school every day just in case we have a special PE visitor or event.
Spellings go home on a Friday and are tested the following Friday.
Maths homework goes home on a Wednesday to be handed in on Monday.
Reading books and reading records need to be in school every day. Children can change their books in the classroom as often as they like.
Library day is Friday.
English - Each term in our English lessons we will focus on a book and use this as a stimulus for our own writing. We will study the work of different authors ensuring that our studies cover the spelling, punctuation and grammar aspects of the Year 3 National Curriculum. We will also investigate different genres of writing (for example; stories, non-fiction texts, plays, poetry, diaries) and write in these styles ourselves.
Maths - In maths each term we will be working on developing mental arithmetic skills, for example, practising and developing the skill of counting in different steps, applying number bond knowledge to help + and – mentally and rapid recall of x and / facts. We will also focus on the place value of numbers, the four rules of number (+, -, x, /), measures (length, mass, capacity, time), and word problems.
History and Geography - Each term will either be a history or geography focus and other foundation subjects (music, art, design and technology) will link to this focus in some way. Our topics include; Changes in the ways of life through the Stone Age to the Iron Age, the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain, a study of the country of the United Kingdom and World Weather. We will focus on the key skills of enquiry for both history and geography, map reading and using different sources to provide evidence of life in the past.
Science - Our science topics include; Forces and Magnets, Rocks and Soils, Plants, Living Things and Their Habitats, Light and Animals.
Computing - In computing we will be working on General ICT skills, Word Processing, Internet Research, Presentation Media Skills (Powerpoint) and Data handling (graphs and databases).
Suggested Reading Lists
The recommended reading list for children in Year 3 is below - simply click on the link!
Spelling LIsts
The link below will shows a document which covers guidance and spelling lists for all KS1 and KS2 children.
Homework Expectations
Maths homework is given out on a Wednesday. It will be based on the learning that has been happening in the classroom that week and should take about 20 minutes to complete. If it is taking longer than 20 minutes please indicate on the piece of homework where your child got to and come and have a chat with me. Children should be able to complete this homework independently.
Spellings are handed out on a Friday and are tested the following Friday. Please practise your spellings as often as you can but at least five times per week.
Reading should be done every day but at least five times per week. Please record each time you listen to your child read in their reading diary.
Occasionally topic homework may be set in the form of a project. Children will be given at least two weeks to complete this homework.
Please support your child to learn their multiplication tables. There are many apps and online games that can help with this such as