Year 5
Our magnificent team in Year 5 are:
Mrs Rushin, Class Teacher
Mrs Matthews, Class Teacher
Mrs Krempel, LSA
Our Summer Term Newsletter can be found by clicking the link at the foot of this page.
Timetable basics
Monday - Spellings and Runtastic
Tuesday - Timestables and PE
Wednesday - PE
Thursday - Runtastic
Friday - Art
In English we will develop our skills in fiction and non-fiction writing by exploring a wide variety of texts, including poetry, traditional tales, newspapers reports and other information texts. We will investigate how authors develop settings, characters and plot using a wider range of vocabulary and punctuation as well as the effect of moving the words around in a clause. A highlight of the Autumn term is putting our drama skills into action and taking the lead roles in the Junior Christmas Production.
In Maths, we will be developing our calculation skills to use the most efficient methods for all four operations (+, -x, ÷) We will apply our skills to investigations and problem solving. We will explore fractions further and begin to make the links between fractions and decimals by applying our equivalent fraction knowledge. We will continue to link our maths and computing learning especially when learning about area and perimeter, rectilinear shapes, and exploring statistics.
In Science we will work scientifically when investigating topics such as Earth and space, forces, properties and changes of materials, living things and their habitats and animal life cycles.
As a class we come together for collective worship before lunch as well as exploring the schools values during our class assemblies. In addition we explore different religious concepts in RE such as Rites of Passage, magi, community, justice, symbols and Wisdom. Our analysis of the concepts are cross-denominational so the children are aware a range of religions.
As part of the Upper Juniors children will be given the chance to compete in local sporting competitions such as cross country, football, hockey and netball. These complement are PE curriculum of invasions games, OOA, athletics, dance and gym. In addition, we encourage the children to take part in our Runtastic which involves running, jogging or walking a circuit for 5-10 minutes twice a week.
Topic Information
In our topic learning we will explore ‘The changing role of Monarchs’ in the Autumn Term. In the spring term, our learning in geography will focus on how life in Brazil differs from that of England. We will be using atlases to locate Brazil, the river Amazon and the Amazon rainforest. We will use Google Earth to look more closely at these places and bring them to life.
Also, in the spring term we will look at settlements and compare two areas in Hampshire and how and why the settlements have changed over times. Finally we will explore the Ancient Egyptians, investigating why they were successful and what was the cause of their downfall. We link our art and design and technology learning to our topic learning, for example we research the life and work of the Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes.
Suggested Reading Lists
The recommended reading list for children in Year 5 is below - simply click on the link!
Spelling LIsts
The link below will shows a document which covers guidance and spelling lists for all KS1 and KS2 children.
Homework Expectations
In Year 5 we give two lots of homework each week in addition to spellings.
Maths/Science is given on a Monday to be handed in on Wednesday and English is given on a Wednesday to be handed in on Friday. The homework should take no longer than 30 minutes.
Spellings are given on a Monday and tested the following Monday.
Top Tips
Continue reading and discussing books at least five times a week. Don’t forget to record it in your child’s reading diary. Click on the link below for some helpful reading prompts.
Support your child with learning their multiplication tables ready for their weekly ‘Times Table Challenge’ on Tuesdays. The ‘Maths Board App’ and ‘Squeebles App’ are an engaging to embed core calculation skills.
Make sure that homework is completed and handed in on the correct day. Encourage your child to be independent with their homework but do support with little prompts if they are stuck.